Several libraries are available to mix several elements. It is structured with a built-in array of tools and tracks to apply. AnyRail provides a wide library of scenery and path elements. The program has an instinctive users interface. Another you can easily color code the several existing of tracks. The text option allows applying words and numbers to your design. The users can see the number of turnouts and flex track, after accomplishing the design. You can choose a wide range of tracks to apply on your layouts. The export tool allows saving the several images with the area. Therefore editing tools help to change the size, color, and arrangement of paths. The users can mix the tracks directly to increase the production. Therefore program offers the scenes of PEGASE, LEGO, PECO, and THIEL.
The users can also apply rulers for more authenticity.
You can apply modification grid to snap objects. Clever ribbon toolbar helps to sync your projects. Smooth slope tool helps to incline slowly and continuously.
The users can maintain the height of the track and degree of slope. You can simply apply a new image to the existing one and then combine it simply. Your files can exist with Collada 3D, train player, and JMRI structure. You can save your image in JPG, BMP, PNG, and Gif etc.
The scenery and track elements consist of VIEWS man, FLEISH man, and Hornby etc. Furthermore, You can view the slope decryption, text rulers, lines and surface.